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Frequent Questions

Here you can find a number of frequently asked questions related to our services and everything solar.  We have tried to include a wide array of questions and answers, but if you still have a question that we haven’t answered, please get in touch directly and we will be happy to try and answer it in person.

How does Solar work?

Solar is very simple. The panels collect sunlight and an inverter converts it into usable electricity. You either use the power in real time, or it is sent out to the grid as a credit for you to use at night or later date.


How much money can I save?

It depends on 3 factors:

1. Your electricity consumption

2. The available roof space

3. The amount of sunlight your roof gets


How is Solar installed?

The solar installation process is very simple. First, metal flashing is used and it is slid it between the shingle and the truss with glue on both sides so it sticks and is watertight. Then a screw is inserted into the flashing where there is a sealant that is released once the screw is fully inserted. Then a mount is clipped in and then the solar panel is attached to the mount.


How do I qualify?

There are many things that can disqualify you. We will need to verify that:

1. Your meter and electric panel are up to code

2. The sun hours on your roof meet our minimum requirements

3. That you are using enough electricity in the home

4. You must own the home


How long does the process take?

It will only take a couple days for us to get the design and see if this is a good fit for your home. If you decide to move forward, we will come do a site survey within a couple days to verify your home meets solar requirements. If everything looks good, we can submit your application to your utility to see if they allow you to get solar. Once we get utility approval, we will submit for a permit which can be as quick as a week or up to a month to get the permit approved, depending on which municipality we are working with. On average, it will take between a month to 2 months to get your panels installed.


Why doesn't everyone do this?

Not everyone is able to qualify for solar. Also, some people just aren't willing to listen. Once people listen and understand the benefits of solar, they typically say it is a no brainer.


How do I get the federal tax credit when I own the system and is it one-time?

After your system is installed and you do your taxes at the end of the year you add a form when you submit. You just put the total cost of the system on there and the tax credit will be applied to your account. As long as you pay income tax you will be eligible for tax credits. Depending on how much you make you may claim it in one year or it will rollover to the next year until you claim the full 30%.


How long does an installation take?

Generally on install day, a typical residential installation takes 4-8 hours.


How do we store power and what happens if I wanted to add batteries?

The grid will act like your battery. If you don’t use the power in real time during the day, the electricity you produce will be given to you as a credit by your utility company. At night time when you aren’t producing solar, you get to use these credits before you pay the utility company any money. In Massachusetts you are able to lease a battery and enjoy a predictable monthly payment for the life of your system. To get started we will need to set up a home assessment.


Where do the panels go?

Panels are placed on the most efficient area of your roof for solar production unless otherwise instructed by you. One benefit you will find by having the panels on the roof area that gets the most sun is that the panels will act as a radiant barrier of insulation from the sun, thus keeping your home cooler during the day and lowering your AC usage.


Where does the invertor go?

The inverter goes on the side of your home next to your meter.


What happens if there is a power outage?

The system will automatically shut itself off. This way it can’t back feed electricity to the grid and prevents shocking anyone working on the  power lines.


What happens in the event of a hurricane?

The panels are rated for 145mph winds. Anything beyond this is a Category 5 hurricane and considered catastrophic damage. 


What happens if a tree branch falls on them? Do I need to let my insurance company know I have solar?

Home insurance will cover any physical damage from storms to your panels. Most home insurance companies already include this under the “dwelling” portion of your home insurance; however, if not, you can purchase an added rider at a cost of $2- $5/month so it isn’t a big deal to protect your investment but you should speak with your agent to confirm.


What happens if we decide to sell the home? Can I transfer this if I move?

You can either transfer the name on the solar to the new owner, just like any other utility bills would change names to the new person, or if you wanted even more benefit, you can take whatever you have paid into the system and include that in the asking price for your home. This will benefit the new homeowner because they move into a house with no electric bill and it only changes their mortgage by $30-$50 a month.


What happens if the new homeowner doesn't want the solar system?

Then they won’t buy your house. If someone doesn’t like solar they aren’t even going to look at the home. Because this is getting so popular, there is now an option on Zillow to show the solar rating of a home. Right now, homes will sell at a premium because who wouldn’t want a low electric bill? Everyone wants the home of tomorrow, not yesterday.


What happens if the panels are struck by lightning?

Solar panels do not make your home more likely to be struck by lightning, but the system is grounded to prevent damaging anything with the electric panel.


What kind of maintenance do they require? Do I have to clean them?

Generally solar panels do not require very much maintenance since there are no moving parts. During pollen season if you notice them getting coated it is recommend that the panels be hosed down to keep them clean.


What happens if animals/insects get under them?

Animals generally don’t like nesting under panels because of the heat.


What happens if I get a generator?

Will you have a transfer switch? If yes then you don’t need to do anything. If no, then before you turn the generator on you should flip the solar AC Disconnect switch to OFF to avoid back feeding the panel.


What happens to my current bill?

Our goal is to get you as far away from your utility company as we can. The best case scenario if is we are producing 100% of your home’s power is that you will only pay the basic connection charge to the utility company of $5-$7.


What happens if new technology becomes available?

Panels have pretty much stayed consistent with the technology for quite some time. The panels that were made in the 70’s had a 14% efficiency and today the best panels are about 18-20%, so about a percentage point per decade of increased efficiency. Where the technology is really going to change will be in the form of battery storage.


What happens if we want to pay it off early when I own my panels?

There are no pre-payment penalties. If you payoff your solar loan early, you'll own your system earlier and enjoy even larger monthly savings.


Do I still have power at night?

Yes, this is the exact same power you are receiving right now. There are no flickering lights or switches you have to hit. At night time the utility company will act like the backup for your home. All the kWh credits you earned during the day are used at night.


Do the panels make noise or emit any harmful frequencies?

The panels do not make any noise and do not emit any harmful frequencies.


Can I disconnet from the utility companies?

By law, you can't disconnect entirely from the utility companies and at minimum you will always have to pay the monthly connection fee.


Can I heat my pool with this?

No, this is completely electric solar. You could heat a pool with an electric heater which would use your solar energy.


Can I use all of my normal appliances with solar?

Yes, every appliance and device you use now will work with solar. The electricity is exactly the same as you are getting from the utility companies now.


What happens with the snow, do you have snow guards?

The snow will slide off your roof the same way it does currently, however it may melt a little bit faster. If you have panels directly above your doorway you are able to purchase cheap snow guards online to ensure snow sliding off safely.






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